The Tombs of Inês de Castro and D.Pedro I

The Tombs of Inês de Castro and D.Pedro I

The tombs are of gothic style and made of limestone of the Coimbra region. The early location of the graves was side by side (while Inês on the right side of Pedro, what should happen between husband and wife) in the southern transept Alcobaça Monastery Church. It went to the room of the Tombs. In […]

Inês de Castro and D.Pedro I of Portugal

Inês de Castro and D.Pedro I of Portugal

Inês de Castro, 1325 – 7 January 1355 was a Galician noblewoman born of a Portuguese mother. She is best known as lover and posthumously-recognized wife of King Peter I of Portugal. The dramatic circumstances of her relationship with Peter I, which was forbidden by his father King Afonso IV, her murder at the orders of Afonso, Peter’s bloody […]

Cistercian order

Cistercian order

Implemented in Portugal since the twelfth century, the Cistercian Order accompanied the formation of the territory and the political statement of the first dynasty. Gradually extending their monasteries in central and northern regions, thanks to the special royal protection, the white monks contributed decisively to the colonization and development of the vast areas occupied applying […]

Order of Cister and Portugal, Tarouca 1144

Order of Cister and Portugal, Tarouca 1144

  The Order was established in Portugal for the first time in Tarouca in 1144, former Benedictine monastery.   All Cistercian monasteries of the twelfth century changed their observance, only Alcobaça was founded again. During the twelfth century the most important foundations and numerous are the nuns: Lorvão, Cells, Arouca and St. Benedict of Castris, […]

D. Afonso Henriques and The Cistercians

D. Afonso Henriques and The Cistercians

Afonso Henriques made history because it had a well defined objective, promised Bernard of Clairvaux who conquered Santarém to the Moors, send to build a monastery for the Cistercian Order in Portugal, which has thus fulfilled. Date back long before that, however, the initiatives of King Afonso Henriques, to promote the defense of the realm, […]

Convent of Christ, in Tomar

Convent of Christ, in Tomar

The Romanesque round church is a Roman Catholic Church from the castle (charola, rotunda) was built in the second half of the 12th century by the Knights Templar. From the outside, the church is a 16-side polygonal structure, with strong buttresses, round windows and a bell-tower. Inside, the round church has a central, octagonal structure, connected by arches […]

Order of Christ and Order of Aviz time of preparation for taking power, by Luis de Matos

Order of Christ and Order of Aviz time of preparation for taking power, by Luis de Matos

II – Order of Christ and Order of Aviz time of preparation for taking power 1320 Prince Pedro I is born 1325 King Dinis dies. King Afonso IV comes to the throne. 1336 Prince Pedro marries Constança, forced by his father 1336/55 Pedro and Inês love story and tragedy. 1357 King Afonso IV dies. Pedro I becomes King of Portugal. […]

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